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Y Nuzlocke

Adventure started: 3/19/2022
Entered H.O.F.: 4/6/2022

Ruleset used:
  • Only the first Pokémon encountered on each route may be caught. If the player fails to catch the first Pokémon encountered, they forfeit their encounter for that route.
  • Dupes clause: Duplicate Pokémon do not count towards first encounters and the player may keep trying until they encounter something new. Evolutions and pre-evolutions of an already obtained Pokémon count as duplicates.
  • Shiny clause: Shiny Pokémon may be caught and used no matter what.
  • Pokémon that faint in battle are considered "dead" and must be permanently boxed.
  • Battle mode is set to Shift and no restrictions are set on healing items.
  • Level cap is set to the next Gym Leader/Elite Four's ace.
  • Run ends after the player defeats AZ.

When playing nuzlockes, I tend to imagine personalities for my Pokémon and a loose story to go along with them. For places where it is relevant, I will make note of the personalities and backstories I imagined, as well as their relationships with the other Pokémon in the party.

Hall of Fame:
Chesnaught Blastoise Torkoal greyscale Dunsparse greyscale Drifblim greyscale Lucario

Surviving team members:

Chi-chi lv. 67
male Chesnaught
Rash nature, likes to thrash about
Met at level 5 in Aquacorde Town
My sweet starter, I viewed him as having a warm and supportive presence on the team, without being too overbearing. He was close friends with Coral and Lychee, so their losses hurt him greatly. I also saw him as being in a romantic relationship with Beetle and Rye, so Rye's loss in the league hurt a lot as well. Despite this, I think he managed to maintain a kind and optimistic look at life, and retired from battling to raise a child with Beetle.

Beetle lv. 67
male Blastoise
Sassy nature, capable of taking hits
Met at level 10 in Lumiose City
I viewed Beetle as a very mellow presence, but also self-assured and maybe a little smug. He was close to Chi-chi and Rye, the three of them being some of my strongest battlers with starter stats and/or the ability to Mega-Evolve, so I mentally grouped them together. I think he took Rye's loss a bit worse than Chi-chi, who had already lost other dear friends at that point and was more prepared for the pain, while it caught Beetle by surprise. I see him as a bit more bitter and cynical after the League, and very protective of his little family he establishes with Chi-chi.

Pahoehoe lv. 67
female Torkoal
White Smoke
Brave nature, thoroughly cunning
Met at level 45 on Route 18
Unexpectedly heroic latecomer, she helped carry us through the endgame after the defeat of Team Flare. I imagined her as getting along well with Brioche.

Notable box Pokémon:

Safeway lv. 45
female Tentacruel
Liquid Ooze
Serious nature, throughly cunning
Met at level 25 in Azure Bay
A reliable back-up 'mon who helped out in gyms here and there.

Froabble aka Sterling Jr. lv. 8
female Froakie (male in game)
Jolly nature, alert to sounds
Recieved at level 5 in an in-game trade
Recieved in a trade from Shauna in the post-game, was adopted by Chi-chi and Beetle and named after their late partner Sterling. I misremembered her as being female in game so she's trans now.


Rora lv. 4-27
female Linoone
Careful nature, highly curious
Met on Route 2
Cheerful and upbeat party member who started to lose relevancy as I left the early game, but continued to support the party from the sidelines (and helped soak up EXP during grinding sessions.)
Lost to an ace trainer's Pinsir's fighting type move in Reflecting Cave because I didn't know they got STAB fighting moves that early.

Lychee lv. 5-44
female Talonflame
Flame Body
Gentle nature, somewhat vain
Met on Route 3
I saw Lychee as having a somewhat serious and reserved nature, though still affectionate with those she was close to. I think she got along best with all the other early members, like Chi-chi, Coral, Rora, and Brioche.
Lost to a black belt's fighting type with unexpected x4 effective Rock coverage in Frost Cavern.

Bishop lv. 35-44
female Liepard
Quiet nature, somewhat of a clown
Met on Route 15
She got no chance to do anything. ='D Very sad.
Temporary team member trained up and brought on for the Psychic gym, got immediately OHKO'd by a gym trainer's Exeggutor with Wood Hammer.

Coral lv. 3-51
female Raichu
Bold nature, highly curious
Met in Santalune Forest
Literal team darling, I was so excited to get a Pikachu in Santalune Forest. She streamrolled the early game along with Brioche and continued to be reliable into the mid-game. Was close with pretty much everyone on the team, especially Chi-chi and Brioche (as well as Rora for the time she was around) due to them all being early game 'mons. Her loss was devastating.
I didn't know Lysandre's Gyarados had Earthquake since she'd OHKO'd it with Thunderbolt in all previous fights. Since it was only x2 effective once it mega-evolved it was able to survive and take her out with Earthquake. I had expected she might not OHKO but not the retaliatory Earthquake.

Brioche lv. 7-65
female Dunsparce
Run Away
Sassy nature, hates to lose
Met on Route 22
THE WORST!! LOSS OF THIS ENTIRE RUN. Powerful, cocky, and cool. The most wonderful Dunsparce to ever live. #BRIOCHEHEADSFOREVER
My plan got muddled against Elite Four Wikstrom's Aegislash since I didn't have much experience fighting with its stance changes and had trouble getting damage in. I left her in too long trying to fall back on supereffective Dig and eventually it scored a lucky hit and took her out. Her Yawn+Protect combo was my plan for Diantha's ace before switching to Pahoehoe so her death ended up being the cause of the other two League deaths too.

Birthday lv. 15-66
nonbinary Drifblim (male in game)
Serious nature, somewhat vain
Met on Route 8
Sort of a distant presence on the team. Since they were a ghost, I imagined them as not being too invested in all this; it was a fleeting experience in their afterlife.
Went down to Diantha's Mega Gardevoir while trying to figure out how to handle it, maybe thought I could use supereffective Ghost moves? I don't remember very well.

Sterling lv. 32-67
male Lucario
Hasty nature, alert to sounds
Met in the Tower of Mastery
Member of my "starter/Mega-evolving" venn diagram/polycule with Beetle and Chi-chi (LOL.) They made up kind of a nice powerful core with defenses, attacking power, and coverage so I ended up thinking of them in a group. The other two were pretty torn up over his loss.
Used priority Extreme Speed against Diantha's Mega Gardevoir to get more chip damage against it to make sure Pahoehoe would be able to finish it off with Sludge Bomb, because Pahoehoe was slower she would've taken too many hits if I switched her in so he had to go down for the free switch.
