Welcome to


About the webmaster

Photo collage of.

You come upon an opening to a smaller, room-like cavern with a wooden door affixed to the entrance. The door has been left swung ajar, as if inviting you forward. Within the room is a desktop work station. The top of the desk is cluttered with toys, but you get the sense somehow that work gets done there sometimes regardless. You have a feeling that by examining the place where a person works and spends their time, you might be able to understand a little more about them.


Welcome to my domain, hovel, and general home upon the web! This is my little world I crafted to hang out in. My name is Cosmo, and I have been experimenting with "Larva" as an online creative alias, so I may be referred to in this way as well. This website exists mainly as a showcase for various hobbies as well as a form of creative expression.

I am fascinated by nearly everything around us. Life exists in such a dense, interlocked tangle that we almost take it for granted. But everything we see is a system made up of more parts than we can fathom. When I make art, I want to try to approximate aspects of those worlds and the density of those worlds. My personal preferences tend towards the smaller scale (invertebrates on the larger end and microorganisms on the smallest) with a scattering of the more ephemeral such as iridescent light and weather.

My contact email is larvashell@gmail.com. Please feel free to reach out if you need anything or have questions.